
Results for: “fine”

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Fined: See Fining

Unfined: Describes a wine that has not been clarified using agents such as bentonite (powdered clay), isinglass (fish bladder), casein (milk protein), gelatin or egg whites. These agents combine with sediment particles in wine, causing them to settle to the bottom, where they can be easily removed. Some winemakers choose not to fine their wines, believing that the process may strip them of complexity and mouthfeel.

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Fining: A technique for clarifying wine using agents such as bentonite (powdered clay), isinglass (fish bladder), casein (milk protein), gelatin or egg whites, which combine with sediment particles and cause them to settle to the bottom, where they can be easily removed.

Filtering: Pumping wine through a screen or pad to remove leftover grape and fermentation particles. Most wines are filtered for both clarity and stability, although some winemakers believe that flavors and complexity may also be stripped from the wine.

Unfiltered: Describes a wine that has not been pumped through a screen or pad to remove leftover grape and fermentation particles. While many wines are filtered for both clarity and stability, some winemakers choose not to filter their wines, believing that the process may strip them of flavors and complexity.