Red Wine May Cut Prostate Cancer Risk in Half, Study Finds

White wine also showed benefits for prostate health, but beer and liquor did not.

Men who drink a glass or two of red wine per day may be cutting their risk of prostate cancer in half, according to new research published online in The International Journal of Cancer. And wine lovers fare better than men who drink mainly beer or liquor, which do not appear to provide the same protective benefits, the study reported.

"We found that men who consumed four or more glasses of red wine per week reduced their risk of prostate cancer by [around] 50 percent," said lead author Janet Stanford, who conducted the study with colleagues from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.

According to the authors, previous studies on how alcohol consumption affects prostate cancer provided conflicting results. Stanford said the team was particularly interested in determining whether red wine, which has high concentrations of polyphenols, had a greater effect than beer and spirits, which are low in polyphenols. These naturally occurring compounds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and may have the potential to prevent cancer. Resveratrol, for example, is found abundantly in grapes and red wine, and recent studies have shown that the polyphenol may help reduce the growth of skin melanomas and kill breast cancer cells.

The researchers analyzed data gathered in the 1990s from 753 newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients, ages 40 to 64, who lived in the Seattle area. Of the patients, 498 had "less aggressive" tumors, while the other 255 had "more aggressive" tumors. For a control group, the researchers used 703 cancer-free men of the same ages.

All the volunteers filled out questionnaires on their diets and were interviewed about their drinking patterns, smoking habits, family history of cancer, income levels, number of sexual partners over their lifetime and other lifestyle factors. (One drink was defined as equaling 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of spirits.)

Subjects who consumed less than one drink per week were grouped with nondrinkers. The others were categorized by their weekly intake -- light (one to seven drinks), moderate (eight to 14) or heavy (15 or more) drinkers -- and by the type of beverage they preferred.

After adjusting for all factors, the researchers found that beer and liquor drinkers' risk for prostate cancer was similar to that of nondrinkers at low and moderate levels of consumption. (Heavy liquor drinkers were the exception, showing a 42 percent increase in risk.)

Wine, however, showed a protective effect against prostate cancer, even at lower levels of consumption. Light drinkers had a 27 percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer, while heavy drinkers showed a 37 percent lower risk. Moderate wine drinkers benefited the most, with a 44 percent lower risk.

Additionally, the scientists broke down the results to see if red wine, which is richer in polyphenols, imparted a greater benefit than white wine. The wine drinkers, who were split fairly evenly in their preference for red or white, were recategorized by their weekly consumption -- one to three glasses, four to seven and eight or more -- because there were fewer men in the higher intake categories, Stanford said.

While moderate consumption of red wine showed a lower risk of both aggressive and less aggressive types of prostate cancer, Stanford said, there were no consistent patterns of risk associated with white wine.

"Among men who consumed four or more 4-ounce glasses of red wine per week, we saw about a 60 percent lower incidence of the more aggressive types of prostate cancer," Stanford said.

In comparison, white wine drinkers who had four to seven glasses per week showed a 36 percent lower risk than nondrinkers for the more aggressive cancers. But those who consumed eight or more glasses of white wine per week had an 18 percent greater risk, although the number of volunteers in this category may have been too small to obtain accurate data that applies to a larger population, Stanford said.

In terms of developing less aggressive types of prostate cancer, the red wine drinkers had a 13 percent lower risk among those who drank four to seven glasses per week and a 32 percent lower risk among those who drank eight or more glasses. White wine drinkers, in contrast, had a 23 percent or 24 percent greater risk than nondrinkers, depending on their consumption level.

Stanford noted that some of the variation in the results for the white wine drinkers may be due to the small number of participants in certain categories.

The study should not be used as an excuse to increase one's drinking "given the risks associated with heavy consumption, from increased overall cancer risk to accidental injury and social problems," Stanford said.

But she added, "For men who already are consuming alcohol, I think the results of this study suggest that modest consumption of red wine, four to eight 4-ounce drinks per week, is the level at which you might receive benefit."

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For a comprehensive look at the potential health benefits of drinking wine, check out senior editor Per-Henrik Mansson's feature Eat Well, Drink Wisely, Live Longer: The Science Behind A Healthy Life With Wine

Read more about red wine polyphenols:

  • July 23, 2004
    Red-Wine Compound Makes Basic Organisms Live Longer, Study Finds

  • June 12, 2004
    Compound Found in Red Wine May Kill Breast Cancer Cells, New Research Finds

  • Nov. 3, 2003
    Red-Wine Compound Shows Potential for Alleviating Bronchitis, Emphysema, Research Finds

  • Sept. 10, 2003
    Researchers Discover New Potentially Beneficial Compounds in Wine

  • Aug. 26, 2003
    Red-Wine Compound May Hold Secret to Fountain of Youth, Harvard Researchers Believe

  • May 30, 2003
    Red-Wine Compound Might Help Prevent Cancer-Causing Sunburns, Study Finds

  • May 23, 2003
    Red-Wine Polyphenol May Help Keep the Heart Healthy, Research Finds

  • May 1, 2003
    Red-Wine Compound Shows Potential for Fighting Skin Cancer

  • Feb. 4, 2002
    Red-Wine Extract Extends Shelf Life of Fruit

  • Nov. 7, 2002
    Red-Wine Compound to Be Tested As Anti-Cancer Drug

  • April 15, 2002
    Study Sheds New Light on How Red Wine May Help Fight Cancer

  • June 30, 2000
    Scientists Uncover Why Resveratrol May Help Prevent Cancer

  • Feb. 28, 1997
    Red Wine Contains Potential Anti-Cancer Agent

    Read more about the potential health benefits of light to moderate alcohol consumption:

  • Sept. 21, 2004
    Red Wine May Clear the Arteries Better Than Gin, Study Finds

  • Sept. 3, 2004
    Moderate Drinking May Not Affect Chance of Repeat Heart Attack, Study Finds

  • Aug. 16, 2004
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  • Aug. 2, 2004
    Moderate Drinking May Keep Women's Bones Stronger, Study Finds

  • July 8, 2004
    Wine Consumption May Not Lead to Gout, Study Finds

  • June 24, 2004
    Moderate Wine Drinking May Decrease Ovarian Cancer Risk, Study Finds

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    Study Sheds New Light on How Red Wine May Help Fight Cancer

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    Moderate Drinking May Be Good for the Brain, Not Just the Heart, New Study Finds

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    Wine Drinking May Reduce Risk of Dementia in Elderly, Italian Study Finds

  • Jan. 21, 2002
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  • Dec. 31, 2001
    New Study Sheds More Light on Antioxidants in Red Wine

  • Dec. 13, 2001
    Moderate Drinking Does Not Reduce Chance of Becoming Pregnant, Research Finds

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    Moderate Drinking Can Slow Hardening of Arteries, New Research Shows

  • Nov. 6, 2001
    Study Examines Drinking's Effect on Brain Health in Elderly

  • Aug. 15, 2001
    Wine Drinkers Smarter, Richer and Healthier, Danish Study Finds

  • April 25, 2001
    Chemical Compound Found in Red Wine May Lead to Treatment for Prostate Cancer

  • April 20, 2001
    Drinking Wine After a Heart Attack May Help Prevent Another, Study Finds

  • Jan. 9, 2001
    Wine Consumption Linked to Lower Risk of Strokes in Women, Finds CDC Study

  • Sept. 30, 2000
    Wine May Have More Health Benefits Than Beer and Liquor

  • Aug. 7, 2000
    Moderate Alcohol Consumption May Reduce Women's Risk of Heart Disease, New Study Shows

  • July 25, 2000
    Harvard Study Examines the Role of Moderate Consumption in Women's Diets

  • June 30, 2000
    Scientists Uncover Why Resveratrol May Help Prevent Cancer

  • May 31, 2000
    Moderate Consumption Still Part of Healthy Diet

  • May 22, 2000
    Moderate Drinking May Lower Men's Risk of Diabetes, Study Finds

  • May 17, 2000
    European Study Links Wine Drinking to Lower Risk of Brain Deterioration in Elderly

  • May 12, 2000
    Wine May Increase Bone Mass in Elderly Women, Study Finds

  • Feb. 4, 2000
    Dietary Guidelines Committee Revises Recommendations on Alcohol

  • Dec. 17, 1999
    Moderate Drinking Can Cut Heart Attacks By 25 Percent

  • Nov. 25, 1999
    Study Finds Moderate Drinking Cuts Risk of Common Strokes

  • Nov. 10, 1999
    Study Points to Potential Benefits of Alcohol for Heart Patients

  • Jan. 26, 1999
    Moderate Alcohol Consumption Cuts Risk of Stroke for Elderly

  • Jan. 19, 1999
    Light Drinkers Face No Added Risk of Breast Cancer

  • Jan. 5, 1999
    New Studies Link Wine and Health Benefits

  • Oct. 31, 1998
    Here's to Your Health: Is it now medically correct for a physician to prescribe a little wine to lower the risk of heart disease?

  • Health Cancer News

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