Value Wines

Want high-scoring wines that pack a great price-to-quality punch?

Browse the categories below to find the best value wines we've tasted in the past six months, along with complete tasting notes. Create a shopping list or track your purchases by adding selected wines to your Personal Wine List.

About Our Tastings

All wines less than $15 - 87 points and up

All wines $15 to $25 - 90 points and up

All red wines $20 or less - 90 points and up

All white wines $20 or less - 90 points and up

Argentinean reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Australian reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Australian whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Austrian whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

California Cabernet Sauvignon $40 or less - 87 points and up

California Chardonnay $25 or less - 87 points and up

California Merlot $30 or less - 87 points and up

California Pinot Noir $30 or less - 87 points and up

California Sauvignon Blanc $25 or less - 87 points and up

California Syrah $40 or less - 87 points and up

California Zinfandel $25 or less - 87 points and up

Chilean reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Chilean whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Champagne $50 or less - 87 points and up

French reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

French reds/Bordeaux $30 or less - 87 points and up

French reds/Burgundy $35 or less - 87 points and up

French reds/Rhône $25 or less - 87 points and up

French whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

French whites/Burgundy $30 or less - 87 points and up

French whites/Loire $25 or less - 87 points and up

French whites/Rhône $25 or less - 87 points and up

Italian reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Italian reds/Piedmont $30 or less - 87 points and up

Italian reds/Tuscany $25 or less - 87 points and up

Italian whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

New Zealand whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Oregon Pinot Noir $30 or less - 87 points and up

Oregon whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Portuguese reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

South African wines $25 or less - 87 points and up

Spanish reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Spanish whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Washington reds $25 or less - 87 points and up

Washington whites $25 or less - 87 points and up

Wine Spectator's Tasters